Writing Business Cases in the Public Sector

This two-day course provides a comprehensive writing process specifically applied to business cases for government projects and other initiatives. These documents must comply with best practices, frameworks and guidelines that align with government policies and priorities. Through the course, you will learn the current conventions for writing business cases to secure funding for products and services within the context of public-sector management and funding requirements.

We strongly recommend that participants bring their own documents—either completed or in progress—to the training session to allow the immediate application of the course principles to their own work.

For a related course specifically designed for private-sector writers of business plans and associated documents, please refer to Writing Business Cases & Plans in the Private Sector.

Who Should Attend
Public servants who routinely write business cases that must clearly document requirements, specifications, or user needs, using standard practices and document models.

Course Topics
In this two-day workshop, you will learn to

  • align your writing process with that for business cases in Canada’s federal public service, as well as other levels of government
  • realize time savings with a four-phase approach to writing
  • analyze the benefits and needs for the work the business case proposes
  • understand the context for the requirements in the bigger picture of government priorities and success criteria
  • develop persuasive strategies for business cases, including those for evaluating pros and cons, the viability of options, and their relationship to desired outcomes
  • use graphics and formatting conventions effectively
  • employ drafting techniques, designed for business cases, for description and procedures
  • organize business cases clearly and succinctly
  • write recommendations and options that inspire action and confidence in the reader
  • recognize and correct common grammar and style flaws

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