Conducting a Successful User Needs Analysis
This one-day workshop addresses the techniques used in conducting a documentation user needs analysis. Concepts such as task analysis and the relationship between document type and navigation habits are examined through case studies and discussion of the participants’ own documentation challenges. The central theme in the program is the answer to this question: How are the techniques offered during the day likely to change your documentation?
Who Should Attend
Technical writers and managers who produce technical documentation
Technical editors
Leaders of documentation teams
Course Topics
This one-day workshop addresses the following topics:
- shattering the myth of the literary model for user habits
- criteria for defining an audience
- guidelines for surveys versus user interviews
- strategies for interpreting user information: never ask, “What would you like in the document?!”
- translating user needs into document structure: paper versus online
- options for user navigation through a document
- influence of media on design, based on user habits
- functional categories of the audience as determined by task analysis
- user needs and document content: ensuring the appropriate level of technical information
- criteria for testing documents according to user habits